The defense has raised concerns that this prosecution may be violating the Fifth Amendment of the constitution since the former employee had already served time for the matter before his federal conviction was overturned, the New York Times reported. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道称,辩方质疑这项起诉可能违反了美国宪法第五修正案,因为在这位前雇员的联邦判决被推翻前,他已经为此服刑。
I was late and if anyone asked me how fast I was driving, I'd have to plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination. 我迟到了,如果有人问我行驶速度有多快,我得求助于美国宪法的第五条修正案,不要自证有罪。
China has also amended the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign-Invested Industries four times to broaden market access and a fifth round of amendment has started. 中国已4次修订《外商投资产业指导目录》,不断扩大市场准入,新一轮的目录修订工作已经启动。
I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment ( Richard M.Nixon) 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改(理查德M.尼克松)
To plead the fifth amendment or to take the fifth amendment 第五条修正案作为答辩
The Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination means that the defendant does not have to testify. 第五修正案针对自己犯罪的保障条款是指被告没有义务作证自己犯罪。
Most people assumed that I would invoke the fifth amendment. 大部分人想当然地认为我会援引《第五修正案》。
In the United States, the Fifth Amendment and state constitutions require that private property may only be taken for a "public use". “公共使用”是美国宪法第五修正案及州宪法用来表述公共利益的法律术语,政府行使征收权要满足“公共使用”的限定。
Much of the controversy has concerned the Fifth Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination. 争论大多集中于宪法第五条修正案关于反对自证其罪的特权。
In America, eminent domain is confined by the Fifth Amendment of Constitution, which means a just compensation is needed. 在美国,国家征用权的行使受宪法第五修正案的制约,即必须对被征用人作出适当补偿。
The witness refuses to answer under the shelter of the Fifth Amendment. 根据宪法第五条修正案所赋予的权利,证人拒予回答。
You can't be forced to accuse yourself, what we could call the Fifth Amendment. 不能被逼认罪,这也是我们宪法第五修正案规定的。
The fifth amendment, applicable to the federal agencies, provides that no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law," and the Fourteenth Amendment contains a similar limitation on state action. 适用于联邦机构的宪法第五条修正案规定,任何人“非经正当法律程序,不得被剥夺生命、自由或财产”,同时,第十四条修正案载有对州行动的相同的限制。
An Analysis on the Perfection of Credit Card Crime of the Fifth Amendment in Criminal Law 试析刑法修正案(五)对信用卡犯罪之完善
The fifth ( last) part then are the conclusions/ suggestions on amendment of law based on above. 第五部分则是根据上述分析而得出相关议题的修法建议。
This paper discusses the "public use" concept in the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution and its recent application in the case law. 本文从美国政府征收权的渊源以及联邦宪法第五修正案征收条款的原始意义出发,探讨了公共用途的宪法概念在美国判例史上的嬗变及其最近的发展趋势。
If the excessive limitations the governments imposed transcend the Constitution and the law, the governments 'act will be considered as a kind of expropriation, which must give fair compensation to the private according to the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 如果政府的此种限制超越了宪法和法律所许可的范围,就等同于对公民财产的征收,依照美国联邦宪法第五修正案中的征收条款,必须给予公正补偿。